Wednesday, September 26, 2012



          The Davidic Covenant was made with King David and is all about Christ Jesus coming through the lineage of David as Israel’s Messiah, King and the believer’s Redeemer. The Davidic Covenant is unconditional.1 In this Covenant, God promised David:

Ø  An unending royal lineage
Ø  A throne, and
Ø  Kingdom

The perpetuity of this Covenant cannot be broken. The Abrahamic Covenant guarantees:

Ø  The nation and
Ø  The land

The Davidic Covenant guarantees an:

Ø  Everlasting Throne
Ø  A King, and
Ø  Kingdom connection to the Jews

          Christ Jesus, the Son of David is the heir of the promised Throne and He will reign over a literal earthly, future Kingdom from Jerusalem. In order for a nation to be a National people, it has to:

Ø  Have its own homeland and

To keep that nation from pandemonium:

Ø  It would have to have a Government

          I’m not speaking of a Democratic system as we have today, but a kingdom under the rule and reign of a King, Christ Jesus. Israel started out under a theocratic system where God used Judges to rule according to His own Sovereign design, but Israel with their attitude of defiance demanded a king. The king was David, and all the promises concerning the Davidic family are under the Covenant promises. The Davidic Covenant is a covenant between God and David in particular and secondarily to the Nation of Israel. The Davidic Covenant looks forward to the time when God the Son will finally rule and reign on David’s throne from Jerusalem.2 When David as king became an old man his son Solomon took over as King, but the promises of a king were not given to him; they were given to David.3
          Solomon builds God’s Temple and all the furnishings of the sanctuary were in the temporary tent that was built out in the wilderness. God told David that He was going to make of him a house for his name referring to the Divine Bloodline. The House of David is not a building of wood, mortar and stone, it is a genetic bloodline going down through the centuries leading up to the birth of Christ Jesus of Nazareth, who is called in Scripture the Son of David, because He is down in the lineage of David.4 Solomon ruled 40 years as king David’s son but Christ Jesus will rule forever. Forever speaks about a royal family leading to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who will one day rule from Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Because it’s God the Son, the Creator God that we’re talking about, His rule will not be limited in years of time, but after ruling and reigning for the thousand years of the Millennium, time will skip right over into Eternity.
In the very beginning, God created Heaven and earth dealing in two areas of the human experience, which are:

Ø  The earthly realm, which belongs to Israel, and
Ø  The Heavenly realm that belongs to the true members of the Body of Christ (Genesis 1: 1)

          This is why everything that Paul the Apostle says concerning the Body of Christ is Heavenly. And every promise connected to Israel is earthly promises. Heavenly and earthly are two separate entities that are opposite and can’t be mixed. The problem is most of Christendom has it all mixed up together resulting in the majority of the people believing error as truth. When time as we know it has ended, we will enter into the Eternal.5 Just as it is today, in Eternity, God is going to keep the earthly operation separate from the Heavenly. God will always deal with His covenant people Israel on an earthly basis, and He’s going to deal with members of the Body of Christ on a Heavenly, spiritual basis. The Heavenlies is where Christian’s future lie. Christians are not to look for earthly promises or an earthly king; we’re looking for the Head of the Body to come soon calling believers up to Him self.6 The believer’s citizenship has already been established in Heaven.7
          The covenant promises for Gentiles are different from the promises made to Israel. Israel is still looking for their King and Messiah while Christians await our Savior and Lord who is the Head of the Body of Christ in the Great Catching Away.8 When Christ returns to take all believers out into the eternal abode that He has prepared, we’re going to have bodies like the one that He arose from the grave with, an incorruptible body, just like the one that He Ascended to Glory in.9 Forty days after Christ’s Resurrection He appeared before many people alive. He went through walls without opening doors. In a split second, He was at Galilee walking on the road to Emmaus. With the body that He had, He could even sit down to have supper with the Disciples, and afterwards He was suddenly gone. That’s the kind of a body believers are going to have on that great day.10
          These promises concern only the Body of Christ in our Heavenly connection. Believers have to understand that the word Kingdom is a word designating an economy. Christians are to have an active spiritual understanding of the things of Light. The Kingdom of His dear Son is spiritual, and is not the Kingdom promised to Israel.11 Everything that Paul writes to the Body of Christ is in that regard. As members of the Body of Christ, we are not connected to anything earthly, and are wasting the time God has given us to be about His business by falling in love with the things of the world. While some sleep in the faith, true believers are being prepared for the coming of our Lord and our Heavenly existence.
When resurrection day comes, we’re all going to be reunited with our loved ones who have died as believers. We all will have bodies like unto Christ’s resurrected body. Some theologians go as far as to say that we will be the exact age that Christ was when He was resurrected. Even though all the promises made to Israel are earthly promises, they are opposite from those made to the Body of Christ - our promises are Heavenly for all Eternity. The Book of Revelation separates Heaven and earth because God is going to keep the believers of the Grace Age separated from the earthly people Israel by having a New Heaven and a New Earth. It reverts to King David, as all of Scripture points to Christ Jesus as the Son of David who will rule one day from the throne of David, which was on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
          He’s not just talking about David or Solomon He is talking about Israel. Israel is the son that God is interested in.12 David is the forerunner of the genetic bloodline that takes us up to the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, who will then be the fulfillment of all the promises made to the fathers. The fathers were:
Ø  Abraham
Ø  Isaac, and
Ø  Jacob

          Christ Jesus limited His ministry to the Nation of Israel because He was a minister of the circumcision; He dealt with the Nation of Israel with two exceptions.13 People tend to think that the Samaritans were Gentiles, but they were a mixed breed and considered less Jewish.14 Christ could not minister to Gentiles, because they were not part of the Covenant promises. He became a servant and a minister to the Jews in order to show God’s truthfulness and honesty. He confirmed and fulfilled the promises given to the forefathers.15 Christians are not involved in that package, which is why Jesus never went to the Gentiles, He sent His Disciples only to the lost sheep of Israel.16
          Shortly before the crucifixion of Christ Jesus, Philip and Andrew wanted Gentiles to have access to speak with Christ but they were unsuccessful. Christ refused to speak with them giving an illustration. In this illustration Christ began talking about His own death, burial, and resurrection, saying that He could not be an object of faith to the non-Jewish world until He had finished the work of the Cross.17 Abraham was given the Covenant promise that out of his loins the Nation of Israel would come. The Nation of Israel had to have a homeland and was given the Palestinian Covenant. To control the religious system they received:

Ø  The Mosaic Covenant of Law
Ø  Temple worship, and
Ø  Laws on how to deal with their neighbor

   Then there was the Covenant that God made with David, the King of Israel, who brings Israel to the glory of the Kingdom and was succeeded by his son, Solomon.18 The promises regarding the King and the Nation of Israel are under the Davidic Covenant, because Christ Jesus comes from the lineage of David.

He’s referred to in Scripture as:

Ø  The Son of Abraham

He is also referred to as:

Ø  The Son of David

   This is because David follows Abraham, but throughout Scripture the reference is made to Christ Jesus as the Son of David. The fulfillment of those promises made to David will bring in the earthly Kingdom that Scripture points forward to, along with the New Heavens and Earth.19

1(II Samuel 7: 4-16; I Chronicles 17: 3-15)
2(I Chronicles 17: 14)
3(II Samuel 7: 1-13)
4(II Samuel 7: 13)
5(Revelation 21: 1)
6(I Thessalonians 4: 16)
7(Ephesians 1: 3; Philippians 3: 20)
8(Philippians 3: 20-21)
  9(John 14: 2; I Corinthians 15: 42, 44)
10(John 21: 1-23, 20: 26-29; Matthew 28: 9-10, 16-20; Luke 24: 34, 44-53, 13- 31, 36-51;
   I Corinthians 15: 6-7; Mark 16: 12-13; Acts 1: 3-9, 7: 55-56, 9: 3-6, 26-27, 23: 11)
11(Colossians 1: 12-13)
12(II Samuel 7: 13- 16)
13(Matthew 15: 22-23; Matthew 8: 5-8)
14(Romans 15: 8)
15(Romans 15: 8)
16(Matthew 10: 5-6)
17(John 12: 24; Jeremiah 31: 31-32)
18(Psalm 89: 18-34)
19(II Samuel 7: 16; Psalm 89: 21-29, 31-37; Isaiah 9: 6-7; Revelation 21)

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