From what we know from Scriptures, it all started with Adam and Eve. The Book of Genesis tells the story of how God created a perfect world in six days. God working six days, and resting on the seventh day, set the workday pattern for how man’s work is to be an outline for them to follow.[1] Genesis talks about the primary responsibilities that God gave to Adam before Eve came along.[2] Genesis tells believers just how sin entered into a world that God created to be perfect. This is where we will begin. Looking at Genesis 2: 21-24, these verses describe just how the woman, who was in Adam when he was created, got out of him. We will be taking this topic from another standpoint than many may be accustomed to hearing. As we launch out into the deep, we will feast on God’s Word together. In this Scripture, we find the word rib. Rib is described as the part of man God used to create the woman. To find truth, we must go deeper. We need to first see what the Hebrew translation is for the word rib. Rib, is translated in the Hebrew, as tesla, and it means side. This same word, tesla that is translated side has another Hebrew meaning when referring to the Ark that was built by Noah. This translation means the chamber. When using both of these translations together, it becomes side chamber. This is because both words come out of the same root (rib).
The Scripture now reads, “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs or a part of his side and closed up the [place with] flesh. And the rib or part of his side which the Lord God had taken from the man He built up and made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.”[3] We all know from our finite thoughts, and from what we know about conception that it would take more than a rib to create and form a woman. We know that when God created Adam, He created Him with something inside of that side chamber, or part of his side that would be the most beneficial portion of procreation. This truth makes it easy for believers to comprehend just how the woman was made. What was inside of the side chamber of Adam was what God used to form the very first woman. God had His very own reasons why man had to be created first. It is for this reason; the fall of man cannot be blamed on Eve, although she ate the fruit first. It wasn’t until Adam ate the forbidden fruit that the whole human race was plummeted into sin’s darkness, or spiritual death. Eve played a huge part in the fall, not because she ate the fruit, but because she came out of Adam, just as you and I came out of our parents.
Going into the genealogy of Christ Jesus, Luke shows how our Lord enters the priestly office as our Great High Priest.[4] Going down the family tree, when we get to verse 38, the Scripture does not say that Seth was the son of Adam and Eve, although he was. It says, speaking of Seth: “The son of Adam, the son of God” (Luke 3: 21-23, 38). God was Adam’s Father by creation, and He is the Father of all Christians by the Born-Again experience. If sin had not entered into the world, all of humanity would have brought in sons and daughters of God by procreation, but because of the debut of sin, our children cannot be born in the image and likeness of God, we are born in sin, and to be a child of God, we have to be transformed into His likeness and image by being Born-Again.[5]
Eve, as part of the human race was the only exception to this rule because she was already in Adam when he was created.[6] Adam had to be God’s first human creation, in order for him to be the original Federal Head of the human race. It had to start somewhere. The Federal Head position Adam received was not just over men, but also over women. God is ingenious in His creativity, more than we could ever imagine. He could have made anything He wanted out of a rib, even a woman, but in his brilliancy, God placed something in the side chamber of Adam that was more essential to human conception and reproduction than a rib. He created Adam with the reproduction organs of the woman inside of him! The reproductive segment was place in the side chamber of Adam for God to use at a future time. When that time came, the reproductive portion was removed from Adam, and used by God to form a woman. God created the first woman and the second human being to live on the earth. The reproductive process of every one of God’s living creations is now based on this principle of reproduction.
The reproductive organs are the heart of all procreation, and when God removed that segment of Adam’s anatomy, and surrounded it with a body of flesh, there appeared woman. We not only have man as God’s creation, but also a woman capable of reproducing more humans. Adam was not complete until God created and brought him his help-meet. She was created to be his helper and complement. When Adam saw her, he said: “This [creature] is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.”[7] The Hebrew name Adam means man or mankind. According to the Bible, Adam was created by God’s own hands and formed in God’s own image and likeness.[8] God planted a garden for him to live in and called it Eden. Eden was located somewhere in the ancient city of Mesopotamia, which is known today as Haran. God included in this Garden many beautiful trees that produced only the choicest of fruit. In the midst of the trees in the beautiful garden, God set two trees:
Ø The Tree of Life, which had the capability to give Eternal Life, and (Genesis 2: 9, 3: 22)
Ø The Tree of Conscience, which gave knowledge of both good and evil (Genesis 3: 22).
The Garden was created solely for Adam’s pleasure. He was to enjoy it along with all of its wonderful provisions.[9] When God placed Adam in the Garden, He gave him lordship of all created things.[10] Adam was the original king of the world having dominion over everything in it. Whatever Adam called a thing that is what their name became.[11] His only responsibilities in the Garden were to care for it, and to eat the items of consumption that grew there.[12] Along with the status that came with being lord of creatures under God, there was one prohibition issued to Adam from God. God commanded Adam, saying: “You may freely eat of every tree of the Garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die”.[13]
[1](Genesis 1: 26-28; Exodus 20: 9-11)
[2](Genesis 2: 15)
[3](Genesis 2: 21-22 NIV)
[4](Numbers 4:3; Hebrews 3:1, 4:14-15, 5:5, 8:1, 9:11, 25, 10:19-22; Colossians 1:18)
[5](Romans 12:2)
[6](Genesis 1: 27)
[7](Genesis 2: 23)
[8](Genesis 1:27, 2: 7; I Corinthians 15: 45-49)
[9](Genesis 2: 8-9)
[10](Genesis 1: 26-29)
[11](Genesis 2: 19-21)
[12](Genesis 1: 28, 2: 15-16)
[13](Genesis 2: 16-17)
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