spite of what is being taught today in the church of man, the New Covenant does not come in until
the Kingdom or Millennium Age. The New Covenant is
an unconditional Covenant.1 It is a covenant made with Israel in contrast with the old Mosaic Covenant, which Israel broke.2 This New Covenant will be established with Israel at Christ's
Second Coming. The New Covenant
becomes reality only after this Age
of Grace has ended. The Age of
Grace ends when Christ comes in the Great Catching Away of the saints. Seven years after the Great
Catching Away, Christ returns to the earth the Second time to set up His earthly Kingdom.3
This is when Israel will come under the promises of the New Covenant.
God will write His Laws upon their
hearts; this will be an automatic result of the Covenant promises.4 Some
numbers are essential in the Bible and have a great deal of meaning in regards
to Biblical content. For instance the number seven is the number of completion,
and eight is the number of new beginnings. The eighth Covenant takes us all the way into the Millennial Kingdom Age. This will be
the awaited New Beginning. The
New Covenant will not become a reality for Israel until they have the King and the Kingdom. Christ Jesus is the Mediator of the Grace
Age; He initiated the New
Covenant in His Blood just before He was crucified.5
As Gentiles, we have no relationship with the New Covenant. As members of the
Body of Christ, our New Testament
Covenant was inaugurated at the Last
Supper and finalized when Christ was resurrected from death.6
This Covenant is described in Scripture as being enacted on better
promises.7 Through this promise, Christ Jesus have
become for every man the path to Eternal
Life as is the source of Eternal
Salvation to everyone who believe and receives Him as Lord and Savior.8 Christ Jesus is the chief cornerstone in the building up
of a Spiritual House.9 He is the Head of the Body, the church
that is being built during this Grace
Age Dispensation.10 The eighth Covenant is yet future and
takes place at the end of time. As of today, according to the Word of God:
is His chosen ones
Ø Israel holds the title deed to their
homeland - Israel
title has not been rescinded; it is still in effect today11
perception is that under the Jewish
New Covenant:
Jews won’t break God’s Law
won’t be tempted to rebel
Law is written in their hearts
is locked up
Ø They will not be disobedient,
because they’re going to be in a Heaven on earth environment
Ø There’ll be nothing left on earth
to tempt them to disobey. 12
Once the Kingdom has come, it is going
to feed into Eternity and the
Jews will forever be God’s Covenant
people. God’s Covenant people throughout history haven’t come close to
the promises of the New Covenant.
Their argument with Christians concerns the Triune God concept. They can’t get pass the idea of God being Three Persons in One. They believe that Christians are
worshipping three Gods. What
they do not comprehend or refuse to understand is that God really is Three Persons in One.13 This can easily be comprehended – as
we look at ourselves. We are not three persons, yet we are composed of three.
We are all made in the image and likeness of God. By looking at our physiology
we are:
Our body in relation to Christ Jesus
becoming flesh, He was touched by the feelings of our infirmities as being the God man - our soul in relation to the
Holy Spirit because He helps our infirmities, as our Comforter; and spirit in relation to the Father, who is a
Spirit.14 We are three, yet one just as our God
is in a much greater way; He
the Father
the Son, and
the Holy Spirit
The Bible lets us know that the first
covenant given to Israel was not perfect. It says that if the first Covenant of Law had been perfect, there would
have been no need for a new one.15 The
first Covenant given to Abraham was to the Jews and so is the New Covenant, the second. The
function of the Law did not
change their hearts. Paul says, when you’ve got something so perfect as faith
in the Gospel that is according to the death, burial, and resurrection of
Christ, which brings new life, why do you want to go back to something that’s
less than perfect, which was the sacrificial system of the Law, which includes the
tithe.16 The Law showed mans sin, and in this Age of Grace, when the Holy Spirit imparts Eternal Life it is not based on the
Law, it is based on the finished work of the Cross.
1(Jeremiah 31: 31-40)
2(Jeremiah 31: 32)
3(Jeremiah 31: 27-40)
4(Jeremiah 31: 33; Hebrews 8: 10)
5(Luke 22: 20)
6(I Corinthians 11: 25)
7(Hebrews 8: 6)
10(Colossians 1: 18; Ephesians 5: 23)
11(Deuteronomy 29: 10-15, 30: 11-20)
12(Jeremiah 31: 31- 34, 32: 40)
13(Deuteronomy 6: 4-9)
14(Hebrews 4: 15; John 4: 25)
15(Hebrews 7: 11, 10: 1)
16(Hebrews 8: 6-10, 13; Galatians 4: 9;
II Corinthians 3: 5-7)
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