Wednesday, September 26, 2012



According to Scripture, preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those that are perishing, and this is the view taken by the lost concerning the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus.1 True believers know that the work of Christ is the Power of God unto Salvation; they also know that it takes the Power of God to save and to keep men saved.2  The saying, once saved always saved is a misrepresentation of Scripture. It is a demonic tactic that keeps believers straddling the fence being neither hot nor cold for Christ Jesus.3 The Bible clearly states that Salvation can be lost.4 Only the power of God can keep believers free from the shackles of sin. The theory to this statement is that when we believe Christ Jesus as our Savior, Salvation is guaranteed no matter what an individual does. This is not true only unless three major conditions are understood:

Ø  First, those who accept Christ's atoning blood for the remission of their sins remains faithful in their commitment to the faith because faith that saves is a living faith. Living faith works to produce spiritual evidence of manifest fruits within the person having it
Ø  Second, those who accept Christ Jesus as Savior must be growing in Grace, maturing with evident changes in character and lifestyle, and
Ø   Third, those individuals must be living this life as more than conqueror in Christ Jesus

          This concept is not Scriptural and should be taught with Scriptural conditions attached. Once saved always saved, simply makes Salvation a mental agreement because nothing in a man is changed. Contrary to Scripture, old things remain the same and nothing is made new. This teaching is false because it totally destroys the reason and purpose for Salvation. If once saved always saved is the case, then Christ did not have to die for man’s sin, why, because sin would not be of any consequence to God. Sin would simply not matter. Eternal Security is achieved by doing the things that please God. We will be sentenced by the intent of the heart. God has a purpose in all that He does. There is great purpose in Christ sacrifice, His callings, in His leading true believers into repentance, and His converting us by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can one day live in His presence free of the isolation and contamination that sin brings. Daniel the prophet received a captivating prophecy from the archangel Gabriel, known as the Seventy Weeks Prophecy.
          In this prophecy Gabriel gives a seventy-week time frame for the first coming of the Messiah. He divides the first sixty-nine weeks into two periods:

Ø  The first of seven weeks and
Ø  The second of sixty-two weeks (Daniel 9: 24-27

          This prophecy shows that the Messiah would come and die, “but not for Himself.” This is in perfect agreement with the sacrificial death of Christ Jesus. He gave Himself to redeem us from out of Satan’s slave market of bondage to sin and death (Galatians 1: 3-5; Ephesians 2: 1). The prophecy goes on to say that He would “confirm a covenant with many.” Christ Jesus became the Mediator of a New and better Covenant than that of the Old Testament Dispensation (Hebrews 9: 15). When Christ instituted the new symbols for the Passover, He said, about the wine, “This is the New Covenant in My Blood, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26: 28; Mark 14: 24). Then Gabriel prophesied that the Messiah would bring to an end to the need for ritual animal sacrifices and offerings. “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins” (Hebrews 10: 4).
          Christ Jesus’ sacrifice is much more effective to take away sin, not with the blood of goats and calves, which only covered a man’s sin; but with His own Blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption (Hebrews 9: 12). The death burial and resurrection of Christ is essential to the New Birth and how a person live his life after Salvation is the factor that determines his position and destiny. Once believers take hold of the promises God makes to believers in His Word:

Ø  Victory can be achieved over sin
Ø  Satan’s worldly bondages, and
Ø  Our flesh

          Believers will always struggle with battles from the world, the flesh, and the devil because the devil wants to deceive believers and if it takes for them to believe they are eternally saved regardless of performing ungodly behaviors, this is what he will use to keep man spiritually blind. The way the believer will overcome the world is if he or she surrenders his body to the Lord as a living sacrifice. The Holy Spirit is the only One capable of carrying this work out in a believer (Romans 12: 12). Only a holy body/temple is acceptable to God and when looking at Christ’ accomplishment at Calvary – this is a reasonable request. Everything is furnished to believers by faith and our faith will be put to the test in meeting the requirements that are laid by Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit is attempting to bring out of believers the Christ-like mind. If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to do His job – we are in fault and to blame.
          These three enemies are ever-present in the life of believers, but victory can be won over them by:

Ø  Utilizing strong faith
Ø  Studying and knowing Truth, and
Ø  By believing only the Word of God5

          We become more than conqueror over the flesh by surrendering to the Lordship of Christ, confessing that our old sin nature was crucified with Christ, and that sin has no power over us.6 Defeating the devil is easy because the Holy Spirit lives in all of God’s children and when we are filled with the Holy Spirit we have the power to say no to sin and to resist the devil.7 Listening and hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit is the key. If not corrected, these enemies will keep believers living in a sinful state that will ultimately lead to their destruction or loss. When a professing Christian is convinced that they are saved no matter what they do, that is a spiritual problem of dominance caused by these enemies.8 The desires of the flesh prevail because the flesh is allowed to be the strong man. The devil has convinced that individual that the sin in their life is not sin at all, or its minor sin that don’t really count. Sin is sin and it all will count against the committer in the end with God.
          Salvation is something believer’s work at daily in order to keep their record clean. Salvation includes dying daily to the flesh, not satisfying it.9 For an individual to think Salvation sets him or her in an eternal secure place in Christ is adhering to a satanic lie that is leading them down the path of self-destruction. Eternal Security is a padded cushion designed by Satan to hold weak believers in bondage keeping them under satanic control.10 Persons believing that once they are saved they will always be saved are allowing the god of this world to mold them into defeated Christians. Satan wants both men and woman to believe this lie because it keeps them under his power. Believers must work out their own soul Salvation with fear and trembling.11 The defeated Christian has trusted Christ as Savior but has not allowed Him to be Lord of their life. The defeated Christian allows Satan to keep him or her carnal and spiritually immature.12  Satan uses unbelievers and carnal Christians to bring division and confusion into the church ruining its testimony of unity and love.13
          The Holy Spirit is the only Power that can release carnal believers from spiritual blindness, but the individual have to want to be free.14 Defeated Christians have little, to no joy, and they feel empty of purpose, they are slaves to sinful desires and habits. This person is much appreciated by Satan but grieves the Holy Spirit.15 The person in this condition should begin to fast and pray; they must give up that something to receive something from God. Satan has had control too long and he will try to hold on to this power as long as he can. This control was given to him willfully and he will fight to keep it. The believer seeking restoration in Christ must:

Ø  Rededicate him or herself to Christ Jesus
Ø  Ignore the voices that they use to obey
Ø  Listen to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, and
Ø  Verbally denounce Satan and all of his devices16

          The Gospel message is powerful and when it is deeply planted in the soil of the heart one escapes the devices of Satan because his or her goal is to please God.17 Everyone seeking Salvation and Deliverance must believe the finished work of Christ.18 It is the finished work that brings deliverance, Christ Jesus led captivity captive! When the meaning of this statement is understood the chains of bondage fall off of the oppressed believer and deliverance come. When deliverance comes, this person can no longer reject the reason and purpose for Salvation or the finished work of the Cross.
          A thorough understanding of what the Cross represents for believers and embracing it brings New Life in Christ Jesus. With New Life comes deliverance, and depending upon how faithful one is to the Word of God, satanic deceptions may never occur again.19 Old things pass away and all things become new. Another saying in Christendom that is leading people astray is, taking Christ Jesus in as ones personal Savior. This is not quite right unless this is done based on the Truth of Scripture. One cannot merely say, I take Christ in as my personal Savior and Lord, and waaah-lah is saved. The truth and criterion for receiving Salvation is:

Ø  Believing Christ is the Son of God, and that
Ø  He was God who became flesh and dwelt among us
Ø  He was baptized for our forgiveness
Ø  He went to the Cross, shedding His Blood for our redemption
Ø  He died for my personal sins, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day as it is written in the Scriptures (I Corinthians 15: 1-4)

These are the Truths that must be confessed and believed before anyone can take Christ Jesus in as Lord and Savior.20 Believers must know exactly which Jesus we are placing our trust and confidence in. We must know exactly what we believe about Him and if:

Ø  We are placing our faith in the Jesus who walked the earth preaching in a three-year earthly ministry
Ø  The Jesus who performed miracles to prove His identity to the Jews
Ø  The Jesus who walked on water and fed five thousand with two fish a three loaves of bread, or
Ø  The Jesus who ministered to Israel, excluding Gentiles from their teachings (II Corinthians 11: 4; Mark 14: 62; Luke 11: 16; Mark 8: 11)

If this is the Jesus your faith and trust is in as the Born-Again Christian, your faith and trust is misplaced. Believers have to know that there is a huge difference in placing faith in the Jesus that came before the resurrection and the Christ who came after it. Grace Age believer’s faith, and trust is to be in:

Ø  The Christ who went to the Cross and died for the sins of the world
Ø  The Christ who was resurrected for our Salvation and deliverance
Ø  We must believe in the Christ who sent the Holy Spirit to be our comforter and teacher
Ø  The Christ who defeated Satan and led captivity captive
Ø  The Christ who hold the keys of Death, Hell and the grave
Ø  The Christ who took the sting out of death, and the Christ
Ø  Who is interceding on our behalf to the Father at this very moment (I John 2: 1)

Christ Jesus is keeping believers free from allegations brought by an accusing devil whose sole purpose is to destroy believers. Without believing these events actually happened as Scriptures says they did - no one would be saved. The only reason any individual can have Christ in our hearts is because we believed in the Christ who shed His Blood, died on the Cross, and rose from the dead for all of our sins.21 Don’t be led into a false security by unknowingly taking shortcuts that were designed as pit falls and stumbling blocks by Satan. Quoting clichés that have been pasted on by others because they sound right does not make them Scriptural. The acceptance of false statements is what leads to false security. The natural spirit of man continuously searches for answers to questions they have about their future eternal abode. This is a life or death search and no one can afford to place their eternal existence in the hands of another.
It is up to each of us to search the Scriptures for ourselves to find full truth, which will make us free.22 The Power of God’s Word cleanses us, the power of the Holy Spirit makes us strong, and we mature spiritually by investing in faith:

Ø  Hearing
Ø  Believing, and
Ø  Studying the Word of God will increase faith23

Every believer who has been sitting under a man or woman of God for some time should be confident in their ability to go out and win souls.24 The new convert should be Scripture ready and equipped to open the Bible and lead individuals to Christ through their own learned knowledge of Him from the Word.25 Salvation Scriptures as well as power Scriptures should be taught and memorized immediately by new converts. When we are discipling new converts correctly, we will pass on to them a love for winning the lost. Souls will be our first and foremost passion. Why, because it is God’s.26 The believer’s example for winning souls is the Apostle Paul. He was the first soul winner under Grace – and he is still being credited for souls that are won today.27 God trusted Paul to deliver the Gospel message to the Gentiles; this was his assignment.28 After the Gospel goes forth from the mouth of the messenger to the hearers:

Ø  The Holy Spirit begins to draw that one by opening their heart to receive His Word29
Ø  The Holy Spirit causes that hearer to grow spiritually30

          Whenever there is an opportunity to witness as believers, we should use that opportunity to share the Gospel of Grace. It is important for believers to testify to the lost world what Christ can do for them by sharing with them what He has already done for us. Simply sharing how He saved and changed our life can make a world of difference in the life of a lost soul. Only God knows what will touch the heart of the lost and He will work through any willing believer to win the lost. Even though the phrase once saved, always saved; and, take Christ in as Savior cannot be found in the Scripture, these phrases are used quite often regarding Salvation.
          Hebrews 6: 4-6 gives Scriptural proof that anyone who has been saved can fall from Grace. The verse says: “For it is impossible [to restore and bring again to repentance] those who have been once for all enlightened, who have consciously tasted the heavenly gift and have become sharers of the Holy Spirit, and have felt how good the Word of God is and the mighty powers of the age and world to come, if they then deviate from the faith and turn away from their allegiance--[it is impossible] to bring them back to repentance, for (because, while, as long as) they nail upon the cross the Son of God afresh [as far as they are concerned] and are holding [Him] up to contempt and shame and public disgrace.
          To believe that once we are saved we will always be saved is a misrepresentation of the Word of God. Those of us who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit to New Life were made so not because of works of righteousness we have done, but our Salvation was accomplished according to God’s mercy. Because of His mercy on us, our natural spirit has been washed and renewed by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3: 5). This Gift of Eternal Life is awarded after a continuous right standing relationship with God by an unfolding process. Salvation is not a fixed state of being as in once saved always saved. Persons who have given themselves to Christ Jesus and have truly repented of their sins have assurance of the Eternal Covenant because God cannot lie.31 That is not to say we, as mere mortals cannot make the choice to walk away from Him, placing ourselves once again in a lost state by our own volition.32
          The finished work of Christ Jesus is Eternal and will never be annulled on God’s part. Humans on the other hand are people who change their minds daily. The greatest assurance any Christian has of Eternal Security is his or her own day-by-day witness. SIN IS SIN – its definition or consequence has not changed in God’s view, He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. In another dispensation, King David made this request to God asking that He, “Take not thy Holy Spirit from me.” The taking of the Holy Spirit was possible back then due to the truth that the Holy Spirit, under that dispensation did not abide continuously in believers as He does under Grace. The Holy Spirit’s presence was given back then as a special favor of God, and could be lost by sinful acts. This is not true today under the Dispensation of Grace; believer’s body construct the temple for the Holy Spirit to reside (I Corinthians 6: 19). Unified believers serving the Lord together in spirit and Truth are building a spiritual house. The Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives assures each believer that we are the children of God.
          His daily presence in our life causes the believer to see how he or she is being molded and shaped into the likeness and image of Christ Jesus.33 Real security is found in the things of God. Christ Jesus said, My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand”.34 When we are secure in Christ we only need to rest securely in Him confident of our Salvation. Believer’s contentment comes from knowing:

Ø  The Holy Spirit lives in us as our Comforter
Ø  Teacher
Ø  Instructor, and
Ø  Guide

We have the Father’s written Word to instruct and cleanse us while Christ Jesus works as our Advocate constantly making intercessions on our behalf to the Father. An advocate is someone who takes on accusations for another person representing his case. He stands up and pleads for believers as friends using his influence on their behalf.35 This is what Christ does for those believers who are trying to live godly lives. Believers know that Satan is our adversary, and that he accuses us of sins before the Father night and day.36 This is the evident truth that lets us know that sin does matter to God after Salvation. The devil continually tries to make believers look guilty before God. This is why believers have a need for a worthy Advocate and because Satan is the accuser of the brethren, daily confession of sins is a necessity. We are up against an unjust adversary and Christ Jesus is the only One powerful enough to shut his mouth, and wash away the guilt from crimes Satan lays to our charge before God.37
          God has charged His Angels to watch over us, keeping the fiery darts of Satan away as a defense.38 Considering all the promises God has given to believers, we are to rest assured of Eternal Life and eternal security, simply because we belong to Him. Salvation comes through faith, and Salvation stays because of faith. As you know we will all be held accountable for our words, as well as our actions; which is why believers should correct their terminology in regards to Salvation. All regenerated believers are sanctified and set apart. This means that they have an eternally perfect standing before God on the basis of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Christ paid for all of our sins up to the very end of our lives. God laid our sins on His Son and He will not punish believers for them; unless, we don’t confess our sins and repent daily; or unless we make the choice at some point to walk away from Him, turning back to a sinful lifestyle. This is when sin will count against a believing individual.
          It is true that Christ said for “... him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” and He won’t; but He also said, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is not fit for the kingdom of God,” and He meant that (John 6: 37; Luke 9: 61-62). It is a normal thing for believers to fear falling or being unpleasing to God at some point in their Christian walk. Paul condemned those who taught that a person could sin boldly so that God’s Grace could abound.39 We all are going to sin at one time or another; it is staying in that sinful place and not confessing those sins to God that causes our circumstances with God to change. Being dead to sin true believers are unable to live in sin. Our aspiration is to serve God by walking in reverence of Him, and doing those things that are sure to please Him.40 Believers should never take God for granted by following demonic doctrines of eternal security. Hearing false assertions cause individuals to enter into false security that lead to becoming cast off, rejected and eventually lost.
          Choosing to take the easier way is to make the choice to resist the truth.41 Anyone believing Salvation frees believers to do whatever is pleasing to their flesh is seriously mistaken and misled.42 Salvation makes believers free from sin; not free to sin.43 God does not regret giving His gifts and callings to man (Romans 11: 29). He’ll never change His mind and take back the gift of Salvation or rescind the calling that brings us to Him, man’s choices does that and God permits their choices (Romans 8: 30; II Timothy 1: 9). When we really love God, things that once:

Ø  Captivated
Ø  Attracted, and
Ø  Distracted us in the world disappears from our life

          This happens when we have made up our minds to be led by the Holy Spirit and have made the decision to allow our inward desires for truth and God to prevail. When our desires change from craving the things of the world toward the things of God, God is glorified and the visible result is change evidenced in the believer’s lifestyle.44 Humans are comparable in many ways:

Ø  We all commit acts of sin
Ø  We all procrastinate when it comes to doing what God wants us to do45

          When we belong to God, the Holy Spirit helps us to see our error and He helps us to get back on track.46 Remember, we must always ask for His help, He is gracious and will not intrude in our earthly affairs. We must show Him how important and valuable Salvation is to us by cherishing it. The problem with false and misleading teachings is:

Ø  When believers are not devoted to studying the Word of God, they are sure to fall victim to false teachings along the way

          False teachings are near at every turn. They were prevalent during the time of Christ Jesus and during the time of our Apostle. False teachings are designed to take the believer off course. When our day comes to give an account to God, there will be no excuse for being deceived by false teachings, especially if we did not study God’s Word for our self. Not studying for our self according to the Bible, does not make the individual a victim of deception, it makes that individual a willing participant.47 It is a well-known truth that Christianity has been bombarded with false teachings, and not one of those teachers teaches straight error. 48 Some of what they say may be on point, but altering any point of Scripture is sufficient enough to blemish the true meaning and message making that speaker a false teacher.49
          When we have the Truth, we must hold on to it not being persuaded to go back into error, but continuing in the Scriptures studying for ourselves believing only what they say.50 “For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, and will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions.51
          This Scripture is being fulfilled as I am writing this work, and you may be a victim, or know someone who is. As followers of Christ Jesus our aim is to seek and find truth from the Word. We are to use discernment as we watch out for deceptive people who are perpetrating unbiblical teachings on God’s people. Jesus warned us to, beware of false prophets, who come to us dressed as a sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves. He said that we will fully recognize them by their fruits.52 Christ Jesus as well as our Apostle declared that the fruit of life will reveal Truth or inaccuracy of one’s character. Learning to examine fruit is what believers must do in order to not be deceived. Believers have to constantly examine our self and the Christian status of those we choose to follow as our leader; especially now a day because false prophets or teachers are succeeding at merchandising, and deceiving the people of God by claiming to represent the True and Living God.
          False teachers appear to be committed to Christ and many of them hold self-appointed positions as ministers within local churches.53 They present themselves as innocent while robbing the truly innocent people of the stuff necessary for them to live and survive daily, their finances. They start out as admirable examples, but with the passing of time, it becomes apparent that their fruit is not coming from the right source. When our lifestyle lacks a testimony and witness of true Salvation and spiritual growth, it is time to re-evaluate our methods and motives to see whom our life is glorifying. New converts should always have a note pad when they go to church; writing down Scriptures and quotes that come across the pulpit to compare and examine at home by the Word of God.
          Our eternal life depends on knowing and receiving truth, as it relates to God’s Word, not the words of men. The Bible calls false teachers wolves. The wolf by definition is a ferocious, nocturnal beast that always attacks the sheep and lambs.54 There is a future peaceful time spoken of in the Bible, called the Millennium. During this time, the Bible says that a wolf will dwell peacefully with the lambs, but this perception is yet future. Human wolves in the church of man are brutal beasts, which is why Christ warned His Disciples way back then concerning them.55 The Disciples had the Gospel of the Kingdom that was being preached to Jews only, and the Jews were not accepting Paul’s Gospel. When Paul saw that the Jews were not going to receive his message of Truth, he released himself from them saying:
 “And now, observe, I perceive that all of you, among whom I have gone in and out proclaiming the Kingdom (Gospel), will see my face no more. Therefore, I testify and protest to you on this [our parting] day that I am clean and innocent and not responsible for the blood of any of you (Who did not receive the Gospel of Grace). For I never shrank or kept back or fell short from declaring to you the whole purpose and plan and counsel of God. Take care and be on guard for yourselves and the whole flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you bishops and guardians, to shepherd (tend and feed and guide) the church of the Lord or of God which He obtained for Himself [buying it and saving it for Himself] with His own Blood”.
          Paul continued to say, “I know that after I am gone, ferocious wolves will get in among you, not sparing the flock; Even from among your own selves men will come to the front who, by saying perverse (distorted and corrupt) things, will endeavor to draw away the disciples after them [to their own party]. Therefore, be always alert and on your guard, being mindful that for three years I never stopped night or day seriously to admonish and advise and exhort you one by one with tears. And now [brethren], I commit you to God [I deposit you in His charge, entrusting you to His protection and care].
          And I commend you to the Word of His grace [to the commands and counsels and promises of His unmerited favor]. It is able to build you up and to give you [your rightful] inheritance among all God’s set-apart ones (those consecrated, purified, and transformed of soul)”.56
   Paul understood that the purpose of the wolf is to consume, and devourer and his warning is to all believers.57 The human wolf is a parasite that feeds off of the generosity of others; this is how Paul identifies false leaders. Their desires are:

Ø  For position and
Ø  Financial income
Ø  They are primarily concerned with accomplishing their own purposes and
Ø  They achieve their purpose by pushing their erroneous thoughts , practices, beliefs onto those gullible enough to follow and accept them58

          The way to escape these doctrines of demons that are being perpetrated on believers by false teachers is to embrace God’s Word, and be made free by Truth. If believers can be deceived what is it that can be said for the lost? Believers are to educate them self in the Word so those who endeavor to deceive the people of God are not successful. The issue with false teachers and preachers is they have not put off the old man of the world, neither have they put on the new man in Christ becoming a new creation.59 Christ also gives believers a warning against false teachers, He said, “be careful and on your guard against the leaven (ferment) of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”60 If we are to avoid falling into the hands of deceivers of the faith, we must pay attention to these warnings. False teachings come from those who are deceived.61 They have followed for centuries and listened to individuals who have built upon another man’s foundation. These people don’t care that Christ calls whom He will into the ministry. They take it upon themselves to go; mostly for the benefit of finances never giving a thought to the consequences they will face later.
          In many cases they are totally unaware that they are blind and being used by the devil.62  Believers are warned to test ourselves to see if we are remaining true to Christ Jesus; we are also warned to test the spirit that dwell in those we sit under for our spiritual knowledge.63 We are being examined daily by others and this should give us more reason to examine ourselves.64   The Holy Spirit speaks Truth; therefore, every teacher who has the Spirit of God will articulate the same Truth. When anything other than Truth is expounded, the spirit within the speaker is not the Spirit of God.65 Christ said that He went away to prepare a place for believers.66 Our eternal abode that Christ is preparing will be a perfect place that would not remain ideal if God allowed imperfection to enter.
          False teachers are imperfect, and true believers if studying to show them self approved to God; should well know if we are sitting under one, and if so, we should respond according to Scripture guidance.67 If we allow ourselves to sit under ministries knowing we are not being fed spiritually, we deceive ourselves and are willingly following demonic spirits becoming a partaker of that evil.68 Many sincere people are sitting on church pews of false teachers all over the world unaware that they are being led astray. Christ is the Root of the Gospel and false teachers happily deliver the agenda of Satan to the people of God without a concern for their own soul.69 One can see how far away from God believers have come when they give a standing ovation to a man accused of sin by more than two witnesses.

1(I Corinthians 1: 18)
2(I Corinthians 1: 18)
3(Revelation 3: 15-16)
4(Galatians5: 4; II Peter 3: 17-18)
5(Romans 10: 17; I John 5: 4; Matthew 4: 3-9)
 6(Galatians 2: 20, 5: 16, 24; Romans 6: 6)         
 7(I John 4: 4; James 4: 7; I Peter 5: 8-9; Ephesians 6: 10-11)
 8(Hebrews 3: 14)
 9(Romans 8: 13)
10(II Timothy 2: 26; Colossians 2: 8-9)
11(Philippians 2: 12)
12(I Corinthians 3: 2-3; Hebrews 5: 12)
13(I Corinthians 3: 3-4, 14: 33; Ephesians 4: 1-3)
14(II Corinthians 4: 4)
15(Ephesians 4: 30; Romans 6: 12)
16(I Corinthians 15: 1-4)
17(II Timothy 2: 25-26)
18(Galatians 5: 24)
19(I John 1: 7; Hebrews 3: 14)
20(Romans 10: 9-11)
21(I Corinthians 15: 1-3)
22(John 8: 32)
23(Romans 10: 17)
24(Mark 16: 16)
25(II Timothy 2: 15)
26(Luke 15: 7)
27(I Corinthians 11: 1)
28(Romans 1: 1)
29(I Corinthians 3: 6-7)
30(I Corinthians 3: 7-10)
31(Romans 11: 29)
32(Hebrews 6: 4-6)
33(Romans 8: 29)
34(John 10: 29)
35(Romans 4: 25, 8: 33-34; I John 2: 21)
36(Hebrews 7: 25; I Peter 5: 8)
37(Zechariah 3: 2; Romans 8: 33)
38(Hebrews 1: 14; I John 5: 18)
39(Romans 6: 1-5)
40(Romans 6: 1-2)
41(II Timothy 3: 8)
42(II Timothy 3: 1-7)
43(Romans 6: 18)
44(II Corinthians 5: 17)
45(Romans 3: 23)
46(John 16: 1-8)
47(Jeremiah 14: 16b)
48(II Peter 2: 1)
49(I Corinthians 5: 6)
50(Acts 17: 11)
51(II Timothy 4: 3-4)
52(Matthew 7: 15-16)
53(II Corinthians 3: 1)
54(Ezekiel 22: 27; Matthew 7: 15)
55(Matthew 10: 16)
56(Acts 20: 25-32)
57(Ezekiel 34: 2-3)
58(I Timothy 6: 1-6; II Peter 2: 1-10)
59(Ephesians 4: 22-24; Colossians 3: 10; II Corinthians 5: 17)
60(Matthew 16: 6)
61(II Timothy 3: 13)
62(II Corinthians 4: 4-5; II Timothy 3: 1-15; I Timothy 1: 12-14)
63(II Corinthians 13: 5; I John 4: 1-3; II John 7)
64(II Corinthians 3: 2-3)
65(Isaiah 7: 14, 9: 6; Luke 1: 31; John 1: 14; I Timothy 3: 16;
   Hebrews 2: 14-15)
66(John 14: 2-3)
67(II Timothy 2: 15; II Corinthians 6: 17)
68(II John 1: 11)
69 (I John 2: 18-23)

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